Dental Sedation Can Be Used in These Surprisingly Common Dental Procedures

According to the American Dental Association, you should see the dentist every six months.  Doing so helps prevent bad breath, prevents cavities, keeps your teeth white, and helps prevents gum disease and tooth loss. But for some patients, this can feel impossible to do. Your dental health doesn’t have to suffer. It may be time to consider dental sedation.

Types of Dental Sedation Available

Types of Dental Sedation AvailableDental sedation uses medication to help patients relax during their dental procedures. There are a few levels of sedation to choose from and include:

Dental Sedation Works for Many Procedures

Dental sedation is often used for major procedures such as root canals and teeth extractions; however, it is also common with minor procedures. If you’re scared or nervous for any appointment, talk to your dentist.

Routine Teeth Cleaning

Routine Teeth CleaningIt’s essential to have your teeth cleaned every six months. During this process, your dentist or hygienist will use a scaler to remove the plaque and tartar from between your teeth and at the gum line. This helps prevent gum disease and tooth decay. Although this procedure is relatively painless, it can be challenging to sit through when you’re nervous. You may also fear the sound of the tool used to clean your teeth.

Having a Cavity Filled

If your x-rays show that you have a cavity, you need to have it filled to prevent further decay. During the procedure, your dentist will drill out the decay in the teeth. Next, they will fill the cavity with dental amalgam, composite material, porcelain, or gold. This restores the tooth to its original state. Before the procedure, you’ll receive a shot of Novocaine in your gums to numb them. If you are having a cavity filled, you can also request dental sedation. You may be afraid of the sound of the drill or be worried about the pain associated with the Novocaine shot. If this sounds like you, dental sedation might be a good idea.

Periodontal Scaling and Root Planning (SRP)

Also known as a deep cleaning, your dentist or hygienist focus on the area below the gum line and the outer surface of the roots. This is often necessary if your gums are red and swollen. It can also be beneficial if your gums bleed when you brush or floss. Finally, if your dental x-rays show that your teeth appear longer and are pulling away from the gums, your dentist will suggest a deep cleaning. This procedure takes longer than a typical cleaning, and it can be more painful. Because of the pain and the extended duration of the procedure, you may want dental sedation.

Orthodontic Work

Braces correct overbites, underbites, tooth crowding, and gaps in the teeth. Many people look forward to getting braces to improve their appearance, but they don’t look forward to the procedure itself. When having the braces put on or having them tightened, which can be slightly painful, you can request dental sedation. Even a little nitrous oxide can help you relax so you feel better during your appointment.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding repairs a chipped or broken tooth. It can also fill in the spaces between teeth and fix severely stained teeth that can’t be treated with professional teeth whitening. The procedure can take an hour or two, which can cause severe anxiety for a person who fears the dentist. Fortunately, you can be sedated first, which will make the time fly by.

Who Is Dental Sedation Appropriate For?

Who Is Dental Sedation Appropriate For?There are a few reasons why you might request dental sedation during your visit to the dentist.

If any or all of these reasons apply to you, talk to your dentist. No matter how minor the procedure may be, there is a dental sedation option that can help you.


If you have a fear of the dentist and want to be sedated during your procedure, give us a call. We have offices in Mesa and Phoenix, Arizona, and we specialize in sedation dentistry. We can offer you a certain level of sedation for minor and major procedures.




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