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Four Common Reasons a Tooth Might Fall Out

January 22, 2021
Tooth loss can be an embarrassing thing to live with. Many people think they are the only people to lose teeth. However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 69 percent of adults aged 35 to 44 years old have lost at least one tooth. By the time people in the United States […]

Can You Get Dental Sedation with Teeth Whitening?

January 15, 2021
Every time you turn on the television, or even watch popular YouTube videos these days it seems like all you see is glowing white teeth. It can make you wonder if those people brush and floss six times a day. More often than not, they have gotten their teeth whitened. Usually, it has been done […]

Is It Better to Pull a Tooth or Try to Save It?

January 8, 2021
Besides routine exams and cleanings, the most common condition many dental patients face is sudden onset or chronic tooth pain. The pain can be unbearable to the point where many are eager to have their dentist pull the tooth. Some patients feel uneasy at the cost of saving certain teeth. Thankfully there are often several […]

Five Dental New Year’s Resolutions to Discuss With Your Dentist

December 28, 2020
Most people are ready to say good-bye to 2020, and ring in 2021. 2020 has been a hard year on many. As such, even those who do not normally make resolutions may be looking what can help them improve their life or turn their lives around. If you are unhappy with your smile, one of […]

Avoid These 7 Christmas Treats to Prevent a Dental Emergency

December 16, 2020
The holiday season is usually a time for people to indulge in sweets and other foods. With Christmas dinners and holiday gatherings to enjoy, it’s important to make sure you’re not increasing your risk of developing tooth decay or other dental problems. To avoid having to see a dentist in Phoenix for a dental emergency, […]

6 Christmas Phobias Worse Than Your Dental Anxiety

December 11, 2020
Feeling nervous about going to the dentist is common. You don’t have to let dental anxiety keep you from going to cleanings and other dental appointments. Many people struggle with anxiety, so take heart that you’re not alone. In fact, some people have fears about Christmas or the holiday season in general. Anxiety can be […]

Give Yourself the Gift of a Brighter Smile

December 4, 2020
If you’re like a lot of people, the smile you see in the mirror doesn’t necessarily match the ones you see on television or in the movies. You can understand why those in the entertainment industry prioritize their looks, and particularly their smiles, but you may have wondered if you should dare put that extra […]

What to Do if You Have a Dental Emergency Over Thanksgiving

November 23, 2020
While enjoying Thanksgiving dinner, the last thing you want to deal with is an emergency. With most dental offices closed on this holiday, it’s important to know what you should do if you end up having a toothache, broken tooth, or other problem. Keep the following in mind, so you’ll know how to handle a […]

What to Do Before Dental Sedation

November 20, 2020
When you have dental anxiety, you don’t have to skip or put off cleanings or other kinds of dental work. If you have a big procedure schedule, you don’t need to dread anything about it. Dental sedation in Phoenix provides a way for you to feel more comfortable during any appointment. Before getting dental sedation, […]

8 Ways to Help Your Family Members with Dental Anxiety

November 13, 2020
Having dental anxiety isn’t unusual, but it can have a negative impact on dental health. When your loved one feels nervous about going to the dentist, they might put off important routine care, like cleanings. Anxiety might also cause them to avoid having work done for tooth decay or other problems. Left untreated, this often […]
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