9 Dental Implant Myths You Probably Believe

Misinformation is almost too easy to find these days. A quick search online can bring up all kinds of myths and bad information for any topic. It can be hard to know what’s true and what isn’t. The world of dentistry and dental procedures are no different. Because going to the dentist makes people nervous, myths spread faster and believed more. Here are a few dental implant myths you probably believe that need to be busted.

Dental Implants Are Painful

Dental Implants Are PainfulDuring a dental implant procedure, local anesthesia is used so you don’t have to feel any pain at all. If you’re particularly nervous, nitrous oxide or oral sedation may be an option to help alleviate any anxiety you have about the procedure and the pressure you may feel. No patient should experience any pain while getting their dental implants, though. Your dentist will make sure you’re fully anesthetized before beginning.

Dental Implants are Risky

Dental implants sound like new technology that just came out a few years ago. In reality, they’ve been around for nearly 50 years. Your dentist isn’t experimenting on your mouth when you have dental implants put in. They’re using a tried and true method to give you back your smile. In fact, the success rate of implants is between 95 and 98 percent, especially if you take care of your dental implants.

Dental Implants are Expensive

Dental Implants are ExpensiveThe upfront cost of dental implants is higher than bridges or dentures, that is true. However, implants last more than 20 years in most cases, and possibly the rest of your life if you take good care of them. Bridges and dentures must be replaced every six to seven years which means more money you have to pay out each time.

You’ll Have a Long Healing Process

Every patient is different, and every dental procedure is different. Depending on the number of implants you need, the type of procedure, and your own special circumstances, your healing process will vary. Dental implants do not automatically take a long time to heal, though. Patients can be back to normal (or better than their old normal) in anywhere from one day to six months, depending on their specific procedure and implants.

Dental Implants Require Special or Extra Care

Dental Implants Require Special or Extra CareThis myth is flat-out wrong. Once implanted, you’ll take care of your teeth like normal. Brush, floss, and if you like, mouthwash, are all you need. As long as you do this and receive regular dental checkups, your implants will last a long time. Repairs may be needed from time to time, but that’s why the regular appointments are so important – to catch small issues before they become big problems.

Everyone Will Know You Have Dental Implants

If you go from having zero teeth to a mouth full, your friends and family will definitely notice. But when you meet someone for the first time, they won’t be able to tell you have dental implants. Only missing a couple of back teeth? No one will know you have implants unless you tell them.

Most People Don’t Really Need Dental Implants

Most People Don’t Really Need Dental ImplantsLet’s look at the numbers. More than 180 million Americans have lost at least one tooth and more than 40 million Americans have no teeth. One missing tooth can affect your ability to chew properly and impact your dental health over time. While dental implants are not as common as they could be, there’s definitely a need for them.

Dental Implants Fall Out

Nothing is perfect, and you should be skeptical if anyone tries to tell you dental implants can never fail, but let’s look at the numbers. Each year, 5.5 million dental implants are placed in mouths across the country. Of those, the failure rate is between two and three percent. That means 97 to 98 percent of implants stay put and work. It’s not perfect, but those are pretty good odds.

Dental Implants Cause Migraines

Dental Implants Cause MigrainesFailing to go to a qualified professional to get dental implants can lead to problems when a procedure goes wrong and headaches can be the result. There is no clinical evidence, however, to show that dental implants and migraines are connected. Things that can contribute to migraines and headaches in patients include a misaligned bite, TMJ, or pain in your jaw.


You don’t have to live with too few teeth, problems chewing, or jawbone deterioration. If your fears about dental implants have been holding you back, it’s time to throw off the myths and find out for yourself. Dental implants look natural, are easy to care for, and can give you back a great smile. If you have concerns about potential complications or the recovery time, talk to your dentist to get the facts.

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