4 Things You Can Do to Go to the Dentist Less Often

If you’re anxious at the thought of going to the dentist, you’re not alone. Dental anxiety is a common problem. Fortunately, there are ways that you can care for your teeth so that you won’t have to see a dentist as often for problems. Keep in mind that you’ll still need to go for dental cleanings in Mesa twice a year, but you might not need to make any additional trips if you do the following.

Brush and Floss on a Regular Basis

Brush and Floss on a Regular BasisBrushing and flossing are simple things you can do to prevent dental problems. When you brush and floss on a regular basis, you’ll have a lower risk of developing gum inflammation, gum disease and tooth decay. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day or after every meal. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles to avoid damaging your enamel or irritating your gums, and spend at least 2 minutes brushing your teeth in circular motions. This helps remove food particles from your tooth surfaces.

You should also floss twice a day or more often as needed, such as when you have food caught between your teeth. Flossing helps eliminate food particles from between your teeth, which helps reduce your risk of gum problems. Make sure you floss between all of your teeth.

Increase Fluoride Exposure

Fluoride is a mineral that can help strengthen the enamel on your teeth. Acids from plaque and tartar can wear away tooth enamel, which leaves your teeth with less protection from decay. Your local water supply might have fluoride, so drinking tap water can help increase your exposure to this mineral. You can also get more fluoride at home by brushing with toothpaste that includes this mineral. Some mouthwash products also contain fluoride. When you increase your fluoride intake at home, this provides another way for you to reduce your risk of tooth decay.

If you need additional fluoride, you can talk to your dentist about fluoride treatments in Phoenix. Your dentist can do this for you when you come in for your routine cleanings, so that you won’t have to make an extra trip to the office. These fluoride treatments involve having a paste or gel made with this mineral placed on your teeth for a short time.

Watch Your Diet

Watch Your DietWhat you eat and drink on a regular basis can help or harm your teeth. Foods such as cheese, fresh fruits and vegetables, and yogurt are good for your teeth. Cheese and yogurt have protein and calcium, which help your teeth remain strong and healthy. Leafy greens, such as spinach, also contain a high amount of calcium. Other foods, such as carrots and apples, help stimulate saliva production. Saliva helps wash food particles and bacteria away from your teeth, lowering your risk of tooth decay. Chewing sugarless gum after you eat can also help your mouth produce more saliva.

Foods to avoid for healthy teeth include ones that are high in sugar and starch. For example, breads and potato chips contain a high amount of starch, and particles from these foods can cling to your teeth if you don’t brush. This can attract bacteria, which then leads to plaque and tartar buildup and an increase in the risk of tooth decay. Other foods, such as candy, are high in sugar and can easily draw bacteria to the surfaces of your teeth. Caramel and other sticky foods are among the worst foods to eat, since these stick to your tooth surfaces more.

Avoid Habits that Damage Teeth

Don’t chew on items that aren’t food, such as pens. Doing this can cause damage to your teeth, such as chipped or cracked teeth, that you’ll need to see a dentist for. Chewing on ice can also cause this kind of damage. You should also avoid using your teeth to open packages, since this can result in tooth damage, such as chipped enamel. Only use your teeth to chew on food, and you’ll reduce your risk of tooth damage.


If it’s time to visit the dentist for an exam and cleaning and you’re feeling nervous about it, Dental Brothers can help. We offer dental sedation to help you feel more comfortable during routine or more serious procedures. We’re here to make your dental experience a positive one. Contact us today.

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